Thursday, 1 November 2012

Find out Gays at Gym

Getting ready to go gym after group meeting, my friend suddenly felt period cramps very badly, and this was her first time. I was like O.O really? I suggested some methods for her to feel better..but I didn't realize..she might think HOW THE HELL..I know all these stuff, especially from a nerdy guy!!! LOL..OMG..I think hang out too much with girls..since they really don't bother to talk girl issues (even some dirty secrets) infront of me...maybe I really look turstworthy for them.

*Clear throat* Sorry.back to topic. I went to gym and when I was working out, found interesting phenomena or scene. There was few young girls doing some new exercises (like last time I was so painful), then got one exercise they have to plank, so their buttock raised up. Now here is the interesting part, there sure got people pass by.

Sitting in a nice spot, I tried observed how guys reacted to that scene. As expected, those uncles and guys look staight automatically focus on those..butts..when passing Those I think are gays..hmm..just looked for mini seconds and didn't show any interest..some even didn't bother to look at. Hahaha. I have to claim that those girls are pretty not average looking...nice bodies the same time.

Of course, I can't really judge like that since sometimes I will also look at those ladies with nice bodies. Who doesn't like beautiful things. However, it's interesting how a guy look at female in gym because most of the time the sport wears are quite tight For me, my focus only on guys in gym..too focus on them until forgot got females in the


  1. Like myself, I have no interest at all looking at girls coz I am not excited no matter how sexy or pretty they are. Wish you luck in meeting right people at the gym yeah.

    1. Interesting thing if we can meet the right one at
