Thursday, 10 January 2013

Gay sibling

I have had a weird dream, having some family time in living room. Suddenly, one of my brothers stood up and said "Dad..Mum..I'm gay." The living room became super dead and no one said anything...until my mum shouted "No!!!!" and run away while dramatic Dream..LOL

This make me wonder, I rarely or never to hear about gays got gay sibling, (since I haven't explored much) I only know when a family got many sons then the youngest has higher chance is GAY. Well, my case can give support to it!! Hahahahahaha In addition, studies that conducted on Twins also found mostly only one boy of the twin is gay but not another. Mostly I know is gay cousin but not sibling. It would be interesting and cool to have a gay sibling. On the top of that, both of you have to be close.

However, I think when you find out each other is gay, both of you mostly will become closer??? Imagine you can share whatever thing to him and so does he, bitching around..he become your best bitch and brother at the same time...hmmm. Or it would be awkward?? xD

Then it comes to another horrifying thing, when both of you coming out to parents!! Should coming out together?  so parents just get heart attack once? or one by one when your parents already immunned to it?? Like I already got one son is gay, doesn't matter another is also..LOL

Anyone out there got gay sibling??? Really curious how it feels and looks like...=)


  1. Quite a few friends I know do have gay siblings! CErtainly not uncommon!

    1. I see. None of my friends got..too bad if not can introduce; )

  2. I have a gay cousin.. which is really really awkward...

    1. Really? I got one friend staying with his gay cousin so they can whoever to home ; )

    2. Ya, me too. My cousin is gay too.

      A close gay friend of mine, his aunty is a lesbian.

    3. Oh!! How it is. All of you close?? =)

    4. me

      got gay cousin also

      1 of my friend got gay sibling,both out of closet already and good thing their parents accepted.

    5. so nice.... its either you're gonna be really close, or really awkward
