Sunday, 20 April 2014


It was a happy weekend, still feeling great because able to spend so much times with Sean after so long. =D We went for dinner after his work, poor him weekend still have to work. Sunday morning had our gym date, he tried to train my strength back since I had skipped gym for almost two weeks. 

My body is shrunk and really need faster to gain back my size before the trip while Sean working hard to lose weight ; )  However, I know I can't push too hard if not fall sick again then really not good for my plan. Will train bit by bit then harder while also have sufficient rest.

Sometimes I am thinking our dates always seems like spend quite amount of money. Maybe we should sometimes plan our date into outdoor hiking ? LOL We can go for some adventurous dates ; ) How you think? *wink wink*

Actually, I am supposed doing my proposal for my work. Typical procrastinator...I just going to continue on tomorrow xD Really running out of idea, don't know what to write, my supervisor also doesn't push me to come out a magnificent proposal la...Hmmm..but I still need come a good proposal to show what I have *gambateh!!*



  1. Gym date.

    Heheh, I guessed he pushes you to workout even more harder.


    1. He won't la...I will show my puppy

  2. You should plan like a cycling, wall climbing sort of activities... i'm sure he likes it... lol

    1. Not good in cycling..rock climbing seems okay ;) I know he likes all outdoor activities

  3. sean is so sohai, i feel like slapping him, can I SY? lol at least you two ada kereta can go anywhere, my little TOMTOM and I always end up same place only, so im working on my license now!! urgh! cant wait to pass man!!!! lalalalala... you can always go to each others' place and just do nothing! like tom and I, we just stare into blank space and just enjoy each others cuddles... lol.. well, always budget some money for activities with him every month and kinda work with that amount i guess? if not sure will pokai one! hahahaha...

    1. Erm..why so rude and wabt to slap him? :( plus you willing to slap him? Since you said he is Well, I'm jealous of you because we don't have our own place, so want to hold hands and cuddle also hardly got chance. :( Ya..should have a budget for it ;)

  4. Happy for you two, so sweet!

    Anyway someone seems to be back into the scene again, up and about with activities! hahaha you were so dead with work and also the sickness a few weeks ago!
